S    L      Aviation Network
SL Aviation Network
Multi Team Air Show - Hosted by the Hawks The Hawks Aerobatic Team are hosting a large scale air show 5 November*  We would like to invite all existing and past aviation teams to present an aerobatic performance of approximately 10-20 minutes in length. You and your team are invited to inspect  the site and  practice at any time.  The landmark below is for the rez zone on the show sim.  To keep lag  to a minimum the neighboring sim will be reserved for  audience and supporters. Please contact 5 (johnnynumberfive) to discuss show times (and alternative date if necessary) and to register your team's intentions RSVP 22 October 2017 Regards 5 (Johnnynumberfive Resident)
S    L       Aviation Network
SL Aviation Network

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Multi Team Air Show - Hosted by the Hawks The Hawks Aerobatic Team are hosting a large scale air show 5 November*  We would like to invite all existing and past aviation teams to present an aerobatic performance of approximately 10-20 minutes in length. You and your team are invited to inspect  the site and  practice at any time.  The landmark below is for the rez zone on the show sim.  To keep lag  to a minimum the neighboring sim will be reserved for  audience and supporters. Please contact 5 (johnnynumberfive) to discuss show times (and alternative date if necessary) and to register your team's intentions RSVP 22 October 2017 Regards 5 (Johnnynumberfive Resident)